Strip Eze is a deep penetrating non ammoniated floor stripper, that requires no rinsing or neutralising to properly prepare your resilient floor for sealing with a JohnsonDiversey floor sealer or sealer finish. Strip Eze is specifically designed for removal of floor finishes and floor sealers and should not be used on wooden floors or painted surfaces. Do not use on linoleum or rubber tile floors.
Features and Benefits
• Strip Eze is a deep penetrating, non ammoniated floor stripper.
• Strip Eze does not require rinsing.
• Its low foam formulation means it’s easy to pick up.
• It will remove both metalised and non-metalised floor finishes.
INNOWAY Cleaning Supplies is a Diversey distributor NZ, we are a distributor of all Diversey products including Diversey chemicals and Diversey vacuum cleaners.